Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The work has begun! More artists needed!

Here is our progress so far:

But we still need more artists. We do have some talented ones as the SA thread shows but more is better!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Chapter 1 script

With over 12 people signed up, it's time to get started working. I am dividing the story into sections of roughly 400-600 words each and I have written the first section so everyone can get a sense of what to expect.

Chapter 1 of the Eye of Argon.

Some things I've observed:

This should not be a literal word for word translation. It's okay to leave out some of the text. While this first chapter uses a lot of the text, I tried to weed out parts that are redundant when pictures are added or are not interesting.

Humor is obviously a major element of this project, but don't make a joke for every panel.

It's okay to reword some of the text to fit the comic better.

READ THE STORY CAREFULLY. Even though I've read the Eye of Argon several times, when I started writing, I thought the two soldiers at the start were leading three mules with cargo. I had to rewrite the opening two pages to show that the soldiers and Grignr are on horseback. It is easy to misread what is going on. We want to get the exact story of Grignr's epic adventure.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Join the Eye of Argon webcomic project!

We want to make a comic based on the classic fantasy story: The Eye of Argon by Jim Theis. We think it deserves to be retold in a graphic novel format and you can help it happen.

Here's how it will work. Once we get a decent sized group signed up, I will divvy up the story into manageable sections to a writer and artist or a writer/artist. Each section will be about 1000 words or so, depending on how many people sign up. The writer has to transform the story into a usable script for the artist to draw. I will keep track of everything and host it on my website when it is finished. Everyone gets credit for their work and Mr. Theis' work will be rediscovered by a new generation of readers.

This will be a sincere homage to the work and will receive the level of respect it deserves. The finished comic will be hosted on http://www.comicspresso.com/

Still not convinced? Here's the opener of the story:


The weather beaten trail wound ahead into the dust racked climes of the baren land which dominates large portions of the Norgolian empire. Age worn hoof prints smothered by the sifting sands of time shone dully against the dust splattered crust of earth. The tireless sun cast its parching rays of incandescense from overhead, half way through its daily revolution. Small rodents scampered about, occupying themselves in the daily accomplishments of their dismal lives. Dust sprayed over three heaving mounts in blinding clouds, while they bore the burdonsome cargoes of their struggling overseers.

"Prepare to embrace your creators in the stygian haunts of hell, barbarian", gasped the first soldier.

"Only after you have kissed the fleeting stead of death, wretch!" returned Grignr.

If you're interested, either post here, PM me or email at clockworkjoe@gmail.com with what you want to do.